cpd points


Registered practitioners attending Living Cities Forum are eligible for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points.

For landscape architects
Registered landscape architects can gain 5 informal CPD points by attending the Forum in either Melbourne or Sydney.

For architects
3 formal CPD points
are available for registered architects attending an entire day session (either in Melbourne or Sydney) and upon completion of the CPD questionnaire. A questionnaire will be made available on our website shortly before the Forum. Only in-person guests will be eligible to receive a certificate of attendance and completion.

Topics for the 2024 Living Cities Forum:

  • Public Space

  • Post-colonial responsive architecture

  • Sustainability

  • Diversity & Inclusion

  • Ecology & Climate

  • Technology

  • Placemaking

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Gain insights into innovative urban design theories and practices that can be applied to generate creative solutions for contemporary public spaces.

  2. Enhance ability to provide advice that incorporates cultural responsiveness, technological awareness and climate resilience into urban design, reflecting the complexity of public spaces.

  3. Be able to apply creative imagination, design precedents, research, emergent knowledge, and critical evaluation in formulating and refining concept design options, including the exploration of three-dimensional form and spatial quality.

  4. Develop innovative design concepts for public spaces that balance ecological, functional, and cultural considerations.

  5. Gain skills in evaluating design options that respect and enhance the cultural heritage and community values of urban sites, especially in the context of post-colonialism cities.

  6. Learn to think creatively about siting and to integrate cultural, social, and ecological analyses into site selection.

  7. Learn to integrate creative design and cultural engagement to produce coherent urban designs that support community wellbeing, gender equality and inclusion.